The Holder

Where would we be without the foundational strength of The Holder? Our main characters in dispatch receive an instant jolt and their dynamic forces return as a loaded carrier flies through the door. Hot or cold and in the best or worst of times, The Holder possesses the remarkable ability to replenish and unite our team to keep fighting the good fight.
New mom and longtime dispatcher, Operator Workman, shares, “I can survive without food…I couldn’t survive without caffeine.” We know when The Holder comes through, “I can do this all day.” – Captain America. Public safety vehicles aren’t known for an abundance of cup holders. Transporting The Holder requires some degree personal sacrifice and determination from the bearer tasked with replenishing the vitality of their dispatch unit. We have all known units over the years that would bring meals, but no drinks. Some officers lack the conviction required to bring The Holder. When we fill our own well of liquid encouragement, The Holder comes in clutch to keep that rookie communicator’s car interior clean in the dash to get back and pitch in. Those stacks of out-of-service Holders are evidence of the continuous heroic efforts of our squad.
The Holder is our sidekick because he knows “You’re going to make a difference. A lot of times it won’t be huge, it won’t be visible even. But it will matter just the same.” – James Gordon