Heros Behind the Yellow Line

Thornton Police Department

My name is Brooke, I am an Officer on light duty in the Thornton Dispatch center. I have been blessed to work with some of the most amazing women who have not only supported me through my pregnancy but helped me learn the ropes of call take!

Three lovely ladies truly come to mind when I think of super team members.

Brandi Seaton – My supervisor who not only is an AMAZING supervisor, but 2 weeks ago she recognized I was having a medical emergency with my pregnancy… she had a blood pressure cuff with her and had me take my BP. It was 169/116! I ended up having to go to the hospital and was admitted; later to be diagnosed with Gestational Hypertension. She reached out to me and kept in touch all through the week to make sure I was okay. She has gone above and beyond to teach me, lead me and support me.

Karen Salazar – Karen is like sunshine. She is ALWAYS smiling and making jokes to make you laugh. She is a great dispatcher, and she keeps the mood positive all the time. She has also supported me tremendously through my pregnancy while up here in dispatch. She always checks in on me and has gone above and beyond to make sure I am okay will all the hospital visits I have had and being on and off short term disability.

Charlanea Haltiner – On Christmas Day, Thornton had a horrific incident at one of our churches. I took the 911 call from the structure fire/bombing/active shooter. Char was on primary. Char did an INCREDIBLE job staying calm, getting out the important information, and managing radio traffic on a very hectic shooting. The 911 call was the most intense call that I had ever taken. I heard a woman shot and killed on the phone; it was very traumatic. After the call was over, I began crying. Char ran over and began consoling me, rubbing my back, and letting me know that I did a good job. Her support and comfort was so needed. I will forever remember that kindness.

All of these women are truly amazing. Not only are they incredible dispatchers, but they are also incredible humans who do not get the recognition they deserve.