One of Our Own

My story is not about me, but about one of our amazing dispatchers, Trinity University Police Department Telecommunicator, Monica Nava. She has been with our department almost 9 years and is a very big contributor to our communications area, extremely self-motivated in her responsibilities as well as taking on self-initiated projects. Ensures we are continuously staying updated and in compliance with all our record keeping, current dispatch-related information and informing her immediate supervisor consistently updated throughout her shift.
Being a small agency, we do not operate the same as other large agencies, which entails the handling of all incoming and outgoing calls, dispatching officers, contacting EMS, keeping a daily log of all calls, assisting all walk in faculty, staff, students and visitors, as well as the many other duties and responsibilities conducted by one dispatcher. Monica Nava’s multi-tasking is to be commended and plays an important part of managing all of dispatch independently with little to no supervision. Our agency, her co-workers and her immediate supervisor have come to rely and entrust her with the managing of our Telecommunications area. It would be a great service and honor in recognizing Telecommunicator Monica Nava during Telecommunications Week.