A Message from APCO’s President

You are a hero behind the headset. Regardless of your tenure in this industry, you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. Every time you look in the mirror, please reflect and remember that.
Annually, during the second full week of April, we take some time out of our hectic schedules to really celebrate the public safety telecommunicator. From themed dress days at work to special food options to gifts to board resolutions, many of us in the industry focus on those that truly matter. Often joining in this celebration are our fellow first responders on the law, fire and EMS side. It is a great time to feel the comradery that is strong amongst those in public safety.
While we are fortunate to have a week dedicated to our service, our praise should never stop. According to the Harvard Business Review, “Expressing praise and gratitude is particularly important for keeping up morale. Gratitude makes people feel valued, and positive feedback has been shown to mitigate the negative effects of stress on employee performance.” As a boss, make sure you take time to visit with staff and listen to them. As a partner, make sure you acknowledge the team work. As a board member, chief or front-line responder, nothing beats a quick little note to show your appreciation.
On behalf of the APCO International Executive Committee and Board of Directors, I’d like to extend our thanks and gratitude for what you do every day as first responders. Happy National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week to my brothers and sisters behind the mic, I applaud you!
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” ~ John F. Kennedy
Jason E. Kern
President, APCO International