Beaumont Police 911 Center

Submitted by Carolyn Lewis

On a day to day basis we assist the public in their time of need,  it is our job.  Imagine, attending a class with world-renowned trainer Mr. Gordon Graham as the speaker.  All of a sudden your worst nightmare unfolds right before your eyes,  one of your dispatcher is suddenly very ill and it’s unknown what’s really wrong with her.  We are only used to hearing emergencies, not seeing emergencies.  We are trained to comfort the public, we tell them “don’t panic”, ” help is on the way!”, but who is there to tell us “don’t panic”, and “help is on the way!”  The answer was simple. WE are.  As a team we relied on each other, comforting her and her family as we waited patiently, even though it felt like EMS was taking forever to arrive (not really).   EMS transported the patient, and we continued with class.  Not exactly what we were expecting out of training class, but we learned a valuable lesson.  We may not be the seen protecting and serving like the POLICE are each day, but on this day, WE DID – and we will continue to do our best each day.