Infusion of NICE

Many of the telecommunicators I know come with the superpowers of acute listening, compassionate empathy, supersonic judgment, Superman and 911derwoman reactionary skills, and a forcefield built to deflect harsh criticisms, impatience, unkind words, hysteria, and more.
Each day it seems the world is turning a little more like Gotham City, and callers can be not so NICE. I wish dispatchers could have the superpower to turn every caller NICE. I think each dispatcher works daily to develop these skills, as we change our tone, try lowering our voice, infuse positivity, and take deep breaths. I do wish it was a superpower though.
At our center, a common goal is to get each caller to say, “Thank you!” at the end of the call. Last week one of our dispatchers had someone say, “I love you.” I think that dispatcher is perfecting his superpower.
For NPSTW 2022, I wish you all the superpower of NICE so that the people you are trying to serve treat you as you deserve. You are Super Heros and You Rock the Headset!