Iwakuni, Japan Dispatchers

I would like to recognize our Japanese (MLC) Emergency Dispatchers Saki Suemoto, Kyoko Elliott, Masao Matsumoto, Sean Howard, and Tadamasa Uemura. These individuals go above and beyond the call of duty every shift providing critical support in translation services, fire and medical dispatching, and coordinating with Japanese resources for our Marine Corps base. Our center would not function without the hard work and dedication of these individuals.
I would like to recognize our Marine Corps Military Police Officers who have aided in our staffing the last year during the pandemic. Cpl R. Manalli, Cpl W. Richmond, LCpl S. Jarvis, LCpl A. Holland, LCpl J. Zieser, LCpl D. Ek, and LCpl Z. Harding. These Marines volunteered to become dispatch certified to assist our emergency dispatch center during staffing shortages due to the pandemic, and work a full time shift work schedule in addition to their duties as military police officers. Your dedication and work ethic inspire me everyday as an individual and as a dispatcher.