Kentucky State Police Post 10

First, let me start by saying I have the utmost respect for Police Officers. I commend them on the job they face every day. I do not possess the strength and courage it takes to be a police officer so for me being a dispatcher, available to assist them, is the next best thing. Anytime I’m able to do something to help an Officer with their job gives me all the satisfaction I need to continue dispatching. Keep in mind we don’t get the enjoyment of driving fast in a cruiser with the lights flashing and siren blaring. We don’t get to see the relief on victim’s faces upon arrival. We often don’t get closure because we don’t hear about the outcome of a call.
In my short career I have experienced a few things over the years that I can still hear as though they happened yesterday. The sound from a woman 16 years ago that woke up and found her husband of 50 years deceased in their bed on Christmas morning, the mother whose three week old infant wasn’t breathing six years ago, the mother who had her two month old infant son kidnapped about 12 years ago that was ultimately shot and killed by the father, the young man that was ready to end his life 12 months ago, and lastly the voices of several units as the yell for assistance due to being involved in an officer involved shooting.
The Post 10 radio room consists of 11 telecommunicators. We are a close knit group. Together we have approximately 120 years experience. Together we have handled winter storms that have caused state of emergencies, tornado, delivered babies, and numerous officer involved shootings. I have no doubt that we can handle anything that may come our way. Please vote for us to receive free lunch for Telecommunicator Appreciation Week!