Senior Public Safety Telecommunicator Ian Guerrino

Includes five submissions.
Superhero is a title that carries a lot of weight. It is not a title to be tossed around lightly or for just anyone. Super heroes are not just characters from movies or shows, the real ones are actual people. In public safety, in some way, shape or form, and at some point in time everyone has a super hero moment. However, there are a select few who go above and beyond the call of duty. They are the ones we all look up to.
For me, that person is Ian Guerrino. A Senior Public Safety Telecommunicator with the Monmouth County Sheriffs Office Communications Division, with decades of experience helping people and making a difference in the community. As an ex fire chief, he is often called his nickname “chief” around the room, however at the heart of the nickname is the respect he has earned amongst his co workers.
After many years in a career such as this, one can become worn down or burnt out. That is not Ian though. Despite his senior status, he chooses to work amongst the newer operators on the weekends. He chooses to work the busier weekend shifts. Why, one might ask? The reason is because of his drive to make the biggest impact in public safety. It is things such as his work ethic that inspire. He regularly trains new operators on how to do the job. A task not many senior operators begrudge. Training is something Ian takes pride in, and you can see first hand how well his trainees do at the job.
He is never phased by any situation thrown at him, and with this job that can range from a high stress 911 call, to a multiple alarm structure fire. It is his constant composure that is an inspiration to us all. Lastly, on a human level, he will go out of his way to take care of his co workers. If you need time covered, you can go to him. If you have a problem work related or not, you can rely on his wisdom and advice. For all that he does, he does not receive the recognition he deserves, yet he still unselfishly gives his all everyday for the sake of public safety. The characteristics of a true superhero.
~ Michael Avedikian
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou
These are the words that Ian Guerrino lives by. His leadership and guidance makes people feel confident. No matter what you can go to him for whatever you need, work related or not. He lives and breathes to help others and always leads by example. He has earn the respect of co workers about and below him. Anyone would be honored just to be more like him.
~ Rachel Zotti
Ian Guerrino is my hero. Without this man I would have never made it where I am today. Everyday he inspires me to be better than I was the day before. I don’t know what I would have done. Highly motivated truly dedicated communications warrior is a saying we have because of this man. I am forever indebted to this man for teaching me the ways and his patience with not only myself but in everything he does.
~ Frank Santore
SPST Ian Guerrino inspires this center every day he comes to work. This man is a wealth of knowledge that will never turn his back on helping not only the residents but his fellow co-workers. There is never a dull moment, and when the team is feeling down he knows exactly how to cheer us up and increase the mood. Without Ian, we would not be as successful as we are nor have the knowledge and expertise that we do. He inspires us to be better each and every day and never give up. Highly motivated truly dedicated communications warriors because of this man, he deserves to finally be recognized for the outstanding job he does.
~ Philip Paone
An effective coworker is one who is mentally sharp, who understands the nature of the job duties. Since the day I met Ian Guerrino in 1998, he has had the ability to multitask with efficiency and can adapt to change. He arrives to work every day, ready and willing to accomplish his duties no matter what is going on in his daily life. For the past 23 years, I have seen him communicate effectively with all coworkers in the center. Ian keeps the goals clear and focused and is not afraid to delegate. Ian trains and develops new employees with his knowledge and expertise which keeps our communications center a well-oiled machine. He has the patience of a saint. Take it from me, he has had to deal with me for 23 YEARS.
~ Denise Dixon