Sherman County Communications

Guys! I’m so excited! Our small little dispatch center in NW Kansas is going “under the knife!” Recently, an expansion project was approved to add on to our center. We currently work out of a 10ft x 14ft room, with our only access to the restroom being out in the hallway. (This is a big deal, since we work alone most of the time.) There is a ton of noise, dust and foot traffic going on, all while we do our normal duties. It’s all going to be worth it, but you know how distractions in the comm center can be!
When this project is complete, we will have not only our own restroom right off the dispatch area, but our own kitchenette and break room! For our small little agency this is huge! It would be so neat to be chosen to receive free lunch in the midst of all the construction noise and commotion!
These ladies and gentlemen are total rock stars, as are all 911 dispatchers. I think they are extra special because they do it all alone, day and night, weekends and holidays. We are the call takers and the radio dispatchers, plus being the door greeters for the municipal building in which we are located.
We plan to celebrate Telecommunicator Week with some gift baskets from our local Mary Kay representative and have themed days as well.
Thanks for you consideration!