The Promise

Twyana Davis, Public Safety Dispatcher II, Birmingham Police Department

I have been a dispatcher with the Birmingham Police Department for more than 17 years. I began my career on the 3-11 shift and what an exciting ride it was.

I received a call about a man that had attempted to commit suicide in a very large cemetery, he stated that he had shot himself in the head and he was dying, but he wanted to live, and to please help him!! I had tried several times to call him back, with no success. I refused to give up on him and I prayed to God to please let him answer his phone, and after about 10 tries he did. I was so nervous and excited that he had answered. He was barely coherent and he stated that he was somewhere in the cemetery far away from his vehicle near the woods.

The police and fire department had been riding around the cemetery looking for him for about 15 minutes to no avail. The fire department and the police were about to get back in service and leave. I had the victim on the phone and told him to hang up and I would call him back, but not to answer – the police would hear the phone ringing and find him. He pleaded with me not to hang up and I told him everything would be alright, I promise. He then repeated to me “you promise” , and hung up the phone. I then called him back several times, the police and medics heard the phone and located him.

I am very proud to say he is alive and well today ! This is what being a dispatcher means to me! This is my story, thanks you for reading it.