Sheriff James K. Wigington aka Doc

Throckmorton County Sheriff Office

My “superhero” is the sheriff in our small county. Doc has not let the pandemic slow him down at all. Whether it be pursuing a case of which he took six to Grand Jury ( all indicted ) and has four more for the next one or spending time with a child who is wanting to turn in his lizard tickets (tickets he gives to lizards and other things he sees that are too fast) or taking the time to talk to someone who has been hurt by someone they should have been able to trust. He makes time for everybody mostly at the expense of his own personal life. He never lets his own aches, pains, and heartaches make how he deals with not only the public but also his staff hinder him from showing us that he cares about us and the community. This county is so blessed to have James K. Wigington aka Doc as a leader in Throckmorton County.

Thank you,
Lillian Little
Throckmorton County Sheriffs Office