Unseen Heroes of Seattle

Like most centers 2020 was a hectic and trying time. Every center had to deal with public health & safety concerns when it came to the pandemic but there are a few centers that also had to deal with civil unrest.
Seattle 9-1-1 employees came to work daily, never knowing what they were walking into. Daily and nightly protests prevented safe access to the comm center, located at a downtown police station. Incoming shifts had to safely stage away from the block to then caravan in with officers standing watch. Barricades were erected outside the building in order to protect the building. Some nights while staff worked inside, the building was rocked with explosions, OC deployment and items being thrown at windows and doors. Many shifts were locked down inside while police kept the crowds at bay. When police cars were set on fire and crowds started to destroy our city, our comm center employees continued to serve the citizens of Seattle bravely and with unyielding professionalism.
Our service to the city never wavered though at times we were mocked, yelled at and included in chants of harm, destruction and death. We listened on the other end of the radio as our officers were attacked, hurt and at wits end when it came to being outnumbered by crowds. We continued to serve our city to the best of our ability and never abandoning our post.
So my headset hero, is every single employee that stood by me each shift and every day this past year in 2020 – taking calls, dispatching assistance and being a support to our fellow gold line family.