Best Friend

UNCG Police Dept

Our communication center only consists of 7 full time employees and 1 sworn supervisor. Fully staffed for us is 8 employees and we have been fighting for about 2 years to be fully staffed. Most of the 7 of us have had to constantly change up our schedules to meet the needs of the department.

Our whole department is wonderful but my sidekick is the best. Dave trained me when I started and then we worked together on and off throughout the 3 years I have been there. He quickly became my best friend. We are currently partners on the same squad and I know I can always count on him. Whether it’s getting work done, getting calls completed efficiently or just finding ways to make me laugh to break up the stress of the day, Dave is always there. Like every center we have our off days but I know I can always count on my man, Dave. Again, my whole department is amazing, but my work day is always way better when I know Dave is coming in.

Special shout out also to my other evening partner, Obi. He is incredibly reliable. I never have to ask if he can run something or call someone for me, he is usually already doing it. He is also hilarious and a lot of fun to be around. The other squad is fantastic too and I wish I could bring some of them over to my squad, but as far as co-workers go, I have the best!