I Celebrate You!

Lani Dzicek, 2018 Arizona APCO/NENA Chapter President

​Dear Fellow Dispatchers, Operators, Telecom­municators,

You deserve to be celebrated for the services you provide to your community and the field personnel of the agencies that you dispatch. I celebrate YOU!

You deserve to be recognized for the sacrifices you make; working nights, holidays, weekends with little to no sleep. You deserve recognition for your resiliency. I celebrate YOU!

You deserve recognition for all the birthdays, holidays, games, dinners, and family gatherings that you have missed through the years to be there for strangers during their most difficult time. You are their life line in those critical moments. I celebrate YOU!

You deserve to be lifted up for all the lives you have saved on the phone as well the radio. The calm, reassuring voice they need but cannot see to get through their crisis. I celebrate YOU!

Thank you all for your dedication to Public Safety. This world is brighter because of each of you. I celebrate YOU!

You are truly the unsung heroes and I celebrate YOU. Happy Public Safety Telecommunicators Week!

Enjoy your celebrations this week.