Let’s Have Some Fun

NTW is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have been organizing NTW for a few years now. Our Assistant Director is a huge help to me and helps me make this week possible. I go around to local businesses and ask if they want to donate anything for us to giveaway during the week. The amount of donations we usually get is amazing; we have a great group of businesses in and around our county.
We do daily drawings, random giveaways, an awards luncheon, several games, and a few gifts.
This year we have a “Name that Fire House” Game, there are photos of fire house and you have to name which one is in the photo – the ones that hand it in get put into a drawing for a gift card to Dunkin Donuts. Another game is “Guess How Many Reeses,” you have to guess how many Reeses Pieces there are in the jar, closest guess wins a gift card and the jar! The last game is a “Dispatcher Bingo”, anyone that gets a Bingo and hands it in will be entered into a drawing for a prize.
Our Admin invites several county officials as well as all of our dispatchers. We have the luncheon right in dispatch so even those who are working can participate (no worries it is a big room and we are off to one corner for the talking.) We have awards for years of service, Rookie of the Year, Most Improved, Dispatcher of the Year, Trainer of the Year, and any Life Savers. The whole staff is involved in nominating people. The food is usually paid for by our union which is great!
I have gathered enough prizes this year to do two daily drawings. I also have a few family 4-packs to a Water Park, Bowling Tickets, Sky Zone Tickets, and gift cards that some agencies we dispatch for have sent over.
Our dispatchers like goodies. I plan on making some sweet treats throughout the week. We also have a Lollipop tree for “Days that Suck” and Life Savers for everyone. I also had a friend who works for a promotional group send over enough water bottles for everyone. Our Administration usually has a nice gift for everyone as well.
Overall it is a fun week with a lot of things going on. We have fun and sometimes that is exactly what you need in this line of work.