Montgomery County Department of Public Safety- Emergency Communications

Our center decided to still celebrate the week but only partaking in limited activities at this time. The theme of the week is “Wellness”! In all facets of life, we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves physically and mentally. If you do not take care of yourself first, you will not be able to take care of others.

This week we have found daily activities to help us focus on our wellness. Daily crossword puzzles, word searches and Sudoku challenges are in the room to help keep the brain moving. One of the Sudoku challenges is a Samurai Challenge and the person who gets it correct will win a prize. We are also having a Step Challenge for the Communication Center. The Shift and individual with the most steps will be a the winner.

The bulletin board theme for this year is “What is your Why? We all are in this profession for a reason and we have asked everyone to write their professional or personnel “why” on a star and post it on the board. We also try to print out all commendations/awards and peer recognition for the year an post them in the center for all to see.