We Want to Buy You Lunch … Again!

For NPSTW 2020, we are again offering to “buy you lunch” but this year, recognizing the vast difference in comm center sizes, there will be two prizes – one for a smaller comm center (up to 50 employees) and one for a larger one (51 and up). Enter the contest by using the form below to tell us about something that happened this year that you want to share in honor of NPSTW. It can be a major event or the actions of one person, an upgrade to your facility, a procedural change or training that inspired you.
Visitors to the site will be able to “like” their favorite posts and the story in each comm center size category that has the most likes at the end of the week will win lunch ($100) for their teams. To get you started, we’ll give you +1 like when you upload a photo with your submission.
Contest Rules
- One “like”, per person, per post.
- You may like as many posts as you wish.
- You do not have to log in to like a post.
- Anyone can vote – you don’t have to be an APCO member or in public safety communications.
- Voting begins January 31, 2020.
- The small comm center (1-50 employees) and the large comm center (51 or more employees) posts with the most likes as of 9:00 a.m. on April 20, 2020, win $100 to treat their comm centers.
- Entries earn +1 like for uploading a photo.
- In the event of a tie, the winner will be selected by coin toss.
- All decisions are final.
- Winners will receive $100 to be applied toward a meal or snack for the winning team.