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Celebrating NPSTW, Page 2

Ideas for Celebrating NPSTW in Your Center

Our Telecom Week Tradition

Klamath 911 is the primary PSAP for Klamath County, Oregon. We dispatch for about 30 different Police, Fire and EMS agencies. I have been the Director for over 5 years, and an employee starting as …

Appreciating our dispatchers!

I was a dispatcher for 20 years and we hardly ever received any recognition. So when I was recently hired as the 9-1-1 Coordinator for Huron County, I vowed to change that practice. We have …

Showering Them With Gifts

This year both myself and my Director are new to our positions and have come from the Dispatch floor. We decided to celebrate our Dispatchers and have been planning for National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week …

Dispatcher Week at FC911

Here at Fort Collins 911, we take NPSTW celebrations to a new level! Every year, members of our Rewards and Recognition Committee pick a theme for the week, organize activities and games for each day, …

Have a Little Fun With It

We honor our Emergency Telecommunications Officers every year. We have been having an Annual Awards Night for a number of years now. Over the past few years we have added on more fun. All week …

From Streamers to Stress

NPSTW 2017 started out as an agency wide celebration and recognition of Suffield’s three (3) full-time and two (2) part-time Public Safety Dispatchers. The Police Chief’s Executive Assistant and Records Clerk had snuck in Sunday …


Among other things, the best thing that our administration did was a surprise makeover of our break room. They brought in a new table, chairs, recliner, and added a couch, along with other improvements and …

Cookout for Communications!

In recognition of National Public Safety Communications Week, the OCSO gathered donations from deputies and friends to fund a cook out for not only our own public safety dispatchers but those from all agencies in …

Theme Days for the Week

My dispatchers got together and picked 7 differently themed days. So far we have had superhero day, sports team day, 80’s day and shift color day. Please see some of our fun photos attached!

This.Is.Dispatch. Dare to listen in to experience a day in the life of a 9-1-1 dispatcher. You never know what’s waiting for you on the other end of the line but we’re always ready; whether …

Fairfax County Thank You

Public safety personnel from our Police Department, Sheriff’s Office and Fire and Rescue Department take a moment to say thanks to the staff of the county’s 9-1-1 Center — Fairfax County’s public safety telecommunicators — …

PSTs Honored, Recognized in the News

In the weeks leading up and beginning this week, many local and national newspapers have published stories about NPSTW. Some have recognized individuals, some have focused on events, and a good number have highlighted the demanding and generally …

A Message From APCO’s President

This past year has shown a light on public safety telecommunicators. In September, APCO initiated a campaign to ensure that the federal government accords telecommunicators the recognition and respect they deserve by being reclassified as …

Let’s Have Some Fun

NTW is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have been organizing NTW for a few years now. Our Assistant Director is a huge help to me and helps me make this week …

We Are The Ones in 9-1-1

See the Austin Police Department’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter sites for a recruiting project we are working on. We just started a two profile series called “Meet the Ones in 9-1-1” as we build up …

Keep Going

My name is Melissa and I am proud to say that I have served in Public Safety for 22 years. Some good times and some very hard times. Comparing the present to the past there …

How we celebrate NPSTW @ UKPD

This year we chose to honor our Telecommunicators by having a giant banner that says “We Appreciate You” and we had everyone in the department write a note expressing their thanks. There were also baked …

Telecommunicators, NPSTW Are Big News

This month, more than 300 newspapers have written about NPSTW and the recognition due public safety telecommunicators for their demanding and generally unseen role in emergency response. Browse the still growing list to see the multitude …

Dedication and Recognition Countywide.

Putnam County WV 911 Telecommunicators were recognized for their hard work and dedication. The County Commission and the City of Hurricane signed Proclamations acknowledging National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in Putnam County, WV.

Kern County NPSTW 2016

This year at our center, located in Bakersfield California, we are having a blast ! Each shift has participated in a dress up contest including support your sports and Patriotic day. At the end of …

Dispatch Appreciation Week 2016

This year we gave our staff years of service pins for 5 or more years of service. We put 4 bags with gift certificates attached to the bags, and each dispatcher put a ticket in …

A Week of Appreciation and Food

Generally it is a week of appreciation and FOOD! Our Fire and EMS agencies along with our administrative staff provide a lunch or dinner for each shift every day of the week. Command Staff from …

A Special Week

This has been a special week for staff – on Monday the Fire Marshal’s office dropped off 3 foot sandwiches for each shift (with chips and drink) – on Wednesday the Police Chief had an …

Recognition, Good Wishes and Appreciation on Twitter

Read what agencies and individuals around the world are saying to and about public safety telecommunicators in honor of NPSTW 2016, and use hashtag #nsptw to voice your own thoughts. [fts_twitter search=#npstw%20-RT +exclude:retweets exclude=retweets twitter_height=1200 …

No Uniforms All Week

We are fortunate enough to work for a Department that is allowing us, ALL WEEK, with no uniform. Each day is a designated theme and today for us is sports day!  As you can see, …

Franklin County PA NPSTW

Attached you will find a picture of a few of the dispatch staff from Franklin County, PA Department of Emergency Services. On the left is Megan Ruby, dispatch liaison from our regional EMS governing body, …

Game Ideas for NPSTW

In the past we had played a few fun games that everyone seemed to enjoy. We have had a jar of different kind of M&M’s with money hidden in a Ziploc bag inside. Whomever came …

A Week of Events

We host a week of events. Mon-Fri we do “spirit week” and I pick a different theme for each day. We obtain lots of donations and we always host a food competition on Wednesday. This …

NPSTW Cook-off Competition

Our center is looking at doing a friendly cook-off competition with other local center.  We do not have a commercial kitchen and are forced to cook creatively with crock pots, microwaves and nuwave cooktops.  So …

NPSTW 2015: Cajun Theme

Every year for National Telecommunication week we pick a theme and go all out with it. We decorate our break room, host a party, and dress according to out theme. This year was Cajun Theme. …

NPSTW 2007: Open House

Union Township celebrated Telecommunications week by hosting an open house for our Communications Specialists (dispatchers) and their families. We felt it was not only important to recognize our dispatchers, but also an opportunity to show …

NPSTW 2015: Theme Days

Sheriff Darnell punching out a shark! Communications Training Staff from left to right, Tommy Clifford, Kim Kutner, Danielle Brightmon, Carole Burchfield, Nicole Ferguson, Danika Lubold, Mable Parales, and of course, Sheriff Sadie Darnell.

NPSTW 2015: Group Photo

Each year we take a group photo – we are a very small but tight knit group. As far as celebrating – we had a potluck and invited our families. We announced our Telecommunicator of …

NPSTW 2007: Recognition

Dispatchers were presented proclamations from the State of Mass House of Representatives and the City of Gardner for National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week and honoring our dispatchers. It was a nice afternoon! Also the Chief, …